Who We Are
What We Believe & Teach
Let’s face it, if you are on this page you probably already know a bit about Christianity and the beliefs of Christians. Having said that, you may not. Churches of Christ have traditionally avoided succinct statements of faith and doctrinal statements. A catch cry of the movement of Churches of Christ is “In essentials, unity, in non-essentials, liberty”. Another favourite of Churches of Christ is “no creed but Christ”. In other words, we don’t subscribe to a strict set of doctrines and tests of faith, but just to Jesus. But in reality that is a bit ambiguous and doesn’t really tell you anything.
After all, what we say is ‘essential’ you may not, and what you say is ‘non-essential’ we may hold as essential. And the Jesus we proclaim may be different to the one you have heard of. If it is enough for us to say that we are Christian, unashamedly and passionately, and that we seek to live authentic lives of discipleship, then you probably don’t need to read any further. Perhaps we could say that we accept anyone who seeks to love God and that we don’t require anything more than what God does, but if you want more detail, then read on…
More About What We Believe
In order to give some more detail of what we believe and stand for as a local church, here are some thoughts:
We believe, affirm, and seek to live out:
- the faith proclaimed in the Christian Scriptures – the Bible – and as attested to in the early church creeds, particularly the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed, but would not use these creeds as a test of faith.
- the Trinity – that God is one and three – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- that Jesus is our Saviour and divine Lord.
- that the Scriptures (particularly the New Testament) are central to our faith and have authority in the life of a Christian for belief and practice.
- baptism by full immersion and the practice of weekly communion.
- the priesthood of all believers – that every believer has equal access to God.
- We believe that we ought to live lives honouring to God and respectful of his people regardless of whether they agree with us or not. We are non-exclusive in that way.
So having said that we don’t have a creed or set of beliefs, I guess we kind of do. There is more information about our mission and vision, our core values and things like that available if you want it. If you would like to know more about us, about what we believe and how you can be part of our community, please contact us.
We meet you where you are, whether you’ve been attending church your whole life or you’re brand new to this whole church thing.
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You don’t have to be alone – find meaning, purpose, and a place to belong right here with us. There is great joy in life when we live it in relationship with one another and that is our hope for everyone who walks through our doors. We strive to help every person quickly feel at home, and to connect with others.
What Does Church Life
Look Like?
Laughs, good coffee, helping each other and more! If you are new to the area, or just curious about Christianity in general, here is a place where you are welcomed and accepted as you are. Whether you’ve been attending church your whole life or you’re brand new to this whole church thing, you are welcome.